Latest Episodes
Written Legal English – AIRC550
In this podcast, you’ll learn vocabulary that is used in formal legal documents. We’ll help you understand what lawyers have written in contracts, wills, formal agreements and other legal documents. Voice message from Adrián from BarcelonaIt’s high time I sent you a messagebefore hitting...
Health: Understanding a visit to the doctor – AIRC549
In today’s podcast, you’ll learn about questions and comments you might hear when you go to the doctor so that you can understand what he or she is saying to you. Voice message from Javi from MadridC1 certificateYou are helping other people besides meI...
The Art of Saying No in English – AIRC548
Do you find it hard to say ‘no’ sometimes?In today’s podcast, you’ll learn 17 ways to say no without offending anyone. Different ways of saying ‘no’ “I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline.” “Thank you for thinking of me, but I can’t...
How to speak about habits and daily routines – AIRC547
It’s quite common to talk about daily routines in English exams and also in casual conversations you might have with native speakers of English. In this podcast, you’ll learn some advanced vocabulary that goes beyond the words ‘get up’, ‘work’, ‘eat’, ‘study’, ‘go to...
How to describe symptoms to a doctor – AIRC546
In this podcast, you’ll learn how to describe how you’re feeling, which is very useful when you need medical assistance. It’s no fun when you’re sick, but it’s worse when you can’t explain your symptoms so that the doctor can treat you. Voice message...
Gemstones: vocabulary connected to precious and semi-precious stones – AIRC545
In this podcast, you’ll learn all about gemstones such as diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. We’ll talk about which gemstones are associated with which months of the year and you’ll learn lots of vocabulary connected to precious stones. Voice message from Antonio from SevilleYou forget...