Latest Episodes
Living abroad as an expat; the good, the bad and the ugly- AIRC482
Are you living and working abroad in a country you didn’t grow up in? If not, have you ever thought about what it might be like to be immersed in a different culture and language for a long period of time? In this episode,...
What is success and what are some ways of achieving it? – AIRC481
What does success mean to you? Do you consider yourself a successful person? What things should you bear in mind while you’re climbing your own particular ladder of success? Those are the questions we’ll be talking about – hopefully successfully! Vocabulary Achievement – to...
Compound Adjectives – AIRC480
In this week’s well-known and well-balanced podcast about the English language, you’ll learn how to use compound adjectives from your easy-going and good-tempered hosts, Reza and Craig. Voice message from Erasmo from Brazil We’ve spoken about compound nouns on the podcast before: Compound...
Fat and Thin Expressions and Vocabulary – AIRC479
Originally, we thought that there might not be enough expressions and synonyms to create an entire podcast on the words fat and thin. There’s fat chance of that, we thought! However, other words for fat and thin are not thin on the ground. There...
Singular and Plural Nouns – AIRC478
In this podcast, you’ll learn how to identify and speak about singular and plural nouns, including the tricky ones that many English learners sometimes make mistakes with. Voice message from Ana from Mallorca. Ana has passed the C1 level at the Spanish Language School...
British and American English Grammar Differences – AIRC477
In this podcast, you’ll learn some differences between British English and American English which we hope will remove any confusion you may have when you hear the same thing said different….. or is it, said differently? Are they both correct? Audio message from Jessica...