Latest Episodes
Skin and skincare – AIRC561
We were concerned that we may not have a topic for this week. But Carmen sent us a great idea and by the skin of our teeth we were able to produce a podcast on skin. Welcome to a podcast that we hope won’t...
Beards, moustaches and facial hair – AIRC560
We’re talking about hair this week, but only the hair on your face.You’ll learn lots of vocabulary connected to beards, moustaches and facial hair and we’ll speak about how men with facial hair might be perceived and also how people’s attitudes have changed over...
American Music Legends – AIRC559
Back in episode 163 we spoke about our favourite UK bands and artists and vocabulary such as ‘ground-breaking’, ‘lead the way’, ‘cutting edge’, ‘to innovate’, ‘trend-setting’ and trailblazing’.In today’s podcast, we compare our favourite and most influential American music bands and artists and you’ll...
The subjunctive in English – AIRC558
The subjunctive is one of three grammatical moods in English, along with the indicative mood and the imperative mood. It isn’t used very often in English, some languages such as Spanish use it more. Nevertheless, we’ve been asked to talk about it, so here...
How to learn a third language – AIRC557
If you’re listening to this, there’s a very good change that English is your second language. But have you ever tried to learn a third? Or even a fourth? Today we’ve got some tips that we hope will help on your language-learning journey if...
Useful vocabulary for travel agents and tourists – AIRC556
In this podcast, you’ll learn lots of vocabulary connected to travel agents so that you can book your holiday in English without any misunderstandings that might spoil your holiday. Useful travel phrases and holiday vocabulary: and Travel: Travel Vocabulary: in Morocco...