Latest Episodes
How to Plan a Holiday; vocabulary and useful advice before you go on a trip – AIRC490
Many of us like to travel. Whether you’re going halfway around the world to climb a mountain or scuba diving on a coral reef, or simply jumping in your car to drive to a nice hotel for a weekend break, your trip will most...
Used to, be used to, get used to and usually in English – AIRC489
In this episode, you’ll learn how to use used to, be used to, get used to and usually. These expressions are often confused in English so we’ll explain the difference, give you some examples in context and help you with grammar, use and pronunciation....
Visiting US States with Tim – AIRC488
In today’s podcast, we have a special guest, Tim, who decided to visit all of the 50 states in the United States of America. Why does he want to do that and what has he discovered about the US after spending so much time...
Common English Metaphors – AIRC487
Learning English is a journey. It’s a winding road. Some people might say it’s a rollercoaster or a mountain you have to climb. When we compare English to a road, a journey, a mountain or a rollercoaster we’re using metaphors. Let’s learn some more...
11 Common English Idioms and how to use them – AIRC486
In this podcast, you’ll learn 11 English idioms and we’ll explain where these idioms come from and why we use them so that they’ll be easier for you to remember. Is learning 11 idioms in one podcast episode biting off more than you can...
12 Phrasal Verbs to Use at Work – AIRC485
In this podcast, we’ve decided to reach out to you and point out 10 phrasal verbs that may help you at work and stop you from falling behind with your English. And in this introduction, I brought up four of them. Did you notice?...